Booking info


Things to know before booking an appointment

• I only accept projects that will fit my style. If i feel that what you want doesn't match with what i do, i will gladly refer you to another artist.
• Desings are not shown in advance, unless agreed otherwise by mail.
• Creative freedom is much appreciated!
• Answering mails may take up to 2 weeks. Patience is appreciated!


• A deposit will be required to confirm the appointment. This must be paid within 7 days, or your reservation will be cancelled.
• Deposits are non-refundable.
• With a valid reason, the appointment can be moved once, without loss of deposit. 
• Rescheduling the appointment needs to happen immediately. For example: if you cancel the appointment, and a year later you want another tattoo, the previously paid deposit is not valid anymore!
• Not showing up to your appointment without informing me = lost deposit and no new appointment.

Before the appointment

Make sure you 

• Are physically & mentally in a good state.
• Had enough sleep & a good meal before the appointment.
• Talk to your doctor first if you have any physical concerns.
• Are aware of the fact i don't tattoo pregnant women.
• Come alone to your appointment.
• Don't come to your appointment intoxicated (no alcohol or drugs).
• Know that hygiene is key for getting a new tattoo.
• Wear comfy clothes (and maybe black if you don't want to risk getting any ink splatter on it).


Make sure to include all the required info from below in your mail.

  • Your idea (short and concisely explained)
  • Photo of the place for your tattoo (not in the mirror or at an angle). This is especially necessary if you want to fill up a space between existing tattoos, or want to get a cover-up
  • The desired size in cm, or indicated on the photo
  • Reference photos that inspire you
  • Your full name + phone number

Thank you for taking the time to read all the info. 

Send your booking requests to